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Akoma Queen Rites
Awaken the Queen Within
Basic Concepts of Akoma Queen
Akoma Queen Book List
Week 1: Foundations of Indigenous Femininity
Welcome to Akoma Queen
The Mind of Ma'at
Week 2: An Indigenous Introduction to Energy
Introduction to Energy Medicine
Exploring the Chakras
Week 3: Alignment and Authenticity
Moments of Reflection
Navigating the Seven Steps of Change: A Guided Journey for Akoma Queens
Exploring Empowering Meaning: The Triad of Transformation
Week 4: Indigenous Nature Wisdom for Heart-Centered Living
Introduction to Nature Connections
Exploring the Elements
Practicing Nature Connections
Week 5: Embracing Sacred Rest - A Gentle Pause in the Journey
Introduction to Rituals and Practices for Self-love and Acceptance
How will you indulge in rest?
Week 6: My Mother, My Heart ~Connecting to Divine Motherhood
The Divine Mother in Indigenous Culture
Wise Woman Wisdom
Week 7: Kemetic Reflections on Mdu Ntr {Sacred Word}
Introduction to the Prt em Heru
Sacred Texts
Week 8: Introduction to Indigenous Religion and Prayer
Divine Connections: Rituals and Practices in African Spirituality for Idigenous Black Women
Response Ability {Restoring Maat & Living in God's Love}
Week 9: Embracing Feminine Embodiment: Nurturing Sensuality and Personal Style
My Body As My Sacred Temple
Wise Woman Wisdom {Ast}
Indigenous Wisdom on Sensuality
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The Mind of Ma'at
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