Montsho's message of "myrrh" (love) to you for making the self care commitment to embrace your shai (destiny) and ascend the Manhood Merkhut Mountain!

My Manhood Journey

Manhood is defined, challenged and refined many times throughout our life's journey. I have learned that it's important to put your personal experiences in proper perspective and use them as sources of inspiration and empowerment.

I was blessed to grow up in a family full of highly intelligent, physically strong, and musically talented men who were very charismatic and influential to me and many others. I began eagerly to absorb information within a community of love and sincere friendships. Still, I had to confront intense pain as a child victim of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. I faced bitter racism once our family moved into a so-called "better" neighborhood with more "opportunities" for me and my sister. I witnessed the devastating effects that drugs & alcohol had on my family and all black communities during the "Crack & A.I.D.S." era. Still, I survived my childhood and adolescence with a healthy optimism thanks to family, invaluable friendships and a new music called Hip Hop to shape my worldview.

Once I turned 20yrs old I lost my father one year before my own "legal" manhood milestone. I was devastated and numb for two years. I moved out of my mother's house at 23yrs old, had my first son, and then immediately became a single father. With a head full of ambition I started my first business "Montsho Apparel Clothing Company" with my partner Ajamoo Raheem Kmt. As I started to grow professionally, I had to confront my personal demons. I began to seriously study behavioral psychology, went to counseling, and found powerful cultural Jegna to guide my life's trajectory. I was blessed to be initiated into the Hapi (Nile) Valley spiritual & cultural system of living by Baba Hru Ankh Ra Semaj Se Ptah & Queen Afua Nbtht of the legendary Smai Tawi Heal Thyself Know Thyself Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York City. I legally changed my name, had two more children, met & married my soulmate and together we founded the Akoma House Initiative; culturally based, counseling & consulting firm.

Next, I completed my academic education, I earned a Master's Degree, and amazingly had 3 more children. After college I faced tremendous financial challenges striving to survive within an ever shrinking fallacious job market. I began to truly understand the geo-political games being played with the masses of people's lives. I lost all empathy for the dominant culture's oppressive system as my spiritual awakening deepened and expanded into the light of truth. I began to honestly face my own deep seated fears and accept my inevitable mortality. I was focused and committed to live and die with purpose.

After years of successfully spreading the Akoma Day holiday and the "Art & Science of Black Love Culture" globally with my wife Nwasha, I was challenged at the deepest emotional Ievel after the death of my infant son in January 2017. I almost lost all my psychological well being and physical health. I contracted a life threatening disease, was hospitalized and almost died before I made a conscious decision to resurrect, reset and restore my commitment to my life's purpose; "to initiate cultural unity through building relationships with love".

It is in that spirit that I stand before you stronger, wiser, and more ready than ever to be of service. I feel grateful and so blessed to be alive and full of love. I am truly excited to be your guide on this magical journey and to share all the wisdom that has been shared with me. I look forward to us growing together King, are you ready? I certainly am.

Your eternal brother,

Hru Montsho Afi Oding Momar Edu

Let US make MAN!!!

Hetepu (much peace) & Akoma Greetings to you beloved!

To be a man is a great honor, but to live as a black man is truly a divine and sacred blessing. There is so much knowledge, wisdom and understanding to embrace, embody and employ in such a short lifetime.

In order to successfully navigate our pathways from malehood, through boyhood, and into manhood requires a community of diverse men & woman that can guide the initiate on his way. There are many things to learn, master and overcome before we can righteously wear our crown of interdependent manhood.

First, we must study and learn, next we must serve. Then, we must advance and defend. Finally, we must rule with moral excellence, divine purpose and exceptional skill. This is a cultural composite of what it means to achieve manhood from our classical indigenous legacy.

To be great men, we must all evolve within qualified communities that help us attain psychological, physical and sociological well being. For, it takes a village to raise a child and a child to raise a village. AKOMA KING is constructed on those principles and designed to be a mutually beneficial community where you can gain a tremendous experience of life and living through taking and giving wholistically. We expect you to show up and share the authentic version of yourself.

Akwaaba (welcome)!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have any specialized spiritual/cultural background to participate?

Absolutely not, the only prerequisite for you to join is to have a sincere willingness; to learn, take action, heal, and to grow in your thought speech and action.

What is the structure of the program and it's activities?

The Akoma King rites of passage program blends the ancient wisdoms of our autochthonous culture with modern peak performance technologies to create a full sensory engagement designed to put you on a path of perpetual self mastery.

The group will meet once weekly to introduce the next lesson and focus area for our manhood development. We will share oral, written and video information designed to educate, enlighten and inspire. We will share personal narratives, group rituals and testimonials. Each session will conclude with a personal assignment aka an Akoma King "Monarch's Mission" to be shared at the next session.

What kind of men might I look forward to sharing this process with?

Once enrolled you'll be joined by a diverse group of fellow Kings. Men from various educational, professional, and life experiences. There are usually teachers, former athletes and coaches, businessmen, officers, doctors, lawyers, military men etc. Men who are seasoned spiritual culturalists, political neophytes and elder statesmen,, post incarceration returning citizens, new and experienced husbands and fathers all committed to using indigenous African cultural technologies to become the optimal versions of themselves while sharing their life experiences with brothers like you.

Is my purchase refundable?

No sir! Refunds for premium coaching services are not available. Akoma King is the continuation of an ancient rites system established eons ago and successfully applied to for millennia. When followed correctly it is guaranteed to meet a multitude of needs in every individual brother while adding extreme value to our collective.

However, if for some reason an individual is left feeling unserved we will give them a purchase credit in the form of a 100% free coupon which can be applied to any our catalogue of products and services.

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Montsho's message of "myrrh" (love) to you for making the self care commitment to embrace your shai (destiny) and ascend the Manhood Merkhut Mountain!