A practical system to ensure growing together and prevent growing apart
The Art & Science of Living Soulmate Virtues and Principles Daily
The premiere guidebook on the Art & Science of Black Love Culture. Simple, practical and transformative... The first section reviews the state of Black Love. The second section compares the Akoma Day to Valentine's Day, and the third section features 28 exercises designed to help you decolonize and re-Africanize your intimate relationships.
Learn everything you need to have the most honest, intimate and fulfilling communication in your relationship!
A Spiritual and Practical Understanding of How to Thrive in All Areas of People Activity
Everything a wise black man needs to be emotionally balanced and socially functional in all his intimate and personalrelationships.
Everything a woman needs to know (and practice) for more passionate, fulfilling, balanced and empowered love.
Seeding a personal love legacy & nurturing a unified community
Revitalizing The True Nature of Your Relationships Through the Beliefs, Values and Practices of Autochthonous Culture
Maintaining connection and purpose through challenges
A Pathway to Peace, Power and Passion in Your Love Relationships
Understanding and Overcoming Love Limitations
Understanding & overcoming the impact of love loss
This workshop provides the tools to break unfulfilling patterns, strengthen intimacy, and create lasting connection in your relationship. You'll learn how to consciously meet your partner's needs and cultivate a relationship that feels deeply nourishing and aligned. Available as a digital download.
Remembering your Divinity through your gifts and challenges
Are you tired of waiting for the right moment to make a change in your life and your relationships? Are you frustrated because you made a change, but it didn't last? Join our live masterclass on May 3rd and learn how to get what you want and make it last. Break free from cylces of failure, and feel empowered to create the live and love of your wildest dreams. Don't wait for tomorrow— This is a once a year event. Seize the opportunity now!
Using the Indigenous Art & Science of Indigenous Attraction
How the life and lessons of your mother affects your most intimate relationships
Engagement strategies for victorious co-parenting
The Art and Science of Healing and Harmonizing Sex Through Ritual
How to communicate before, during and after sex for complete fulfillment in your intimate relatsionship
Everything you need to know to create a sacred space to magnetize, honor and harmonize a personal love altar in your home (and on the go)
Mastering the "Why" and "How" of Black Love
Understanding Why You Like What You Like
The Balance Between Masculine and Feminine Energy
Mastering the Art of Fulfillment through Now Consciousness
Love is more than an emotion—it is the divine force that creates, heals, and guides us. In this class, you will explore the spiritual and scientific wisdom of the heart, drawing from Kongo and Dagara traditions, Islamic, Christian, and Buddhist teachings, and modern heart science. Discover how the heart is the bridge between the seen and unseen, the source of divine connection, and the key to reducing stress, releasing trauma, and making aligned relationship decisions. Through sacred teachings, heartwork exercises, and practical tools, you’ll learn how to call love back into your life and live with deeper peace, clarity, and connection.
How to successfully navigate poisonous intimate, family & friend relationships